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How Much is The Residence Fee for UKZN 2024?



How Much is The Residence Fee for UKZN 2024?

How Much is The Residence Fee for UKZN 2024?. For prospective students considering the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) for 2024, understanding the cost of residence and registration is crucial. These fees can significantly impact your budget and overall university experience.

Here a breakdown of the residence fees and registration costs for UKZN in 2024.

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How Much is The Residence Fee for UKZN 2024?

The residence fee for UKZN in 2024 is R3,600. This fee covers accommodation costs and the use of residence facilities. Living on-campus can enhance your university experience, providing convenience and a supportive community.

Registration Fees

In addition to the residence fee, students are required to pay a registration fee for 2024. The tuition registration fee is R4,600. This fee is essential for enrolling in courses and accessing academic resources.

International Students

International students are required to pay 100% of the total tuition and residence fees for 2024. It’s important for international students to budget accordingly and understand the full cost of studying at UKZN.


Understanding the residence fees and registration costs for UKZN in 2024 is essential for planning your academic year. Whether you’re a local or international student, being aware of these fees can help you budget effectively and make informed decisions about your university experience.

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