How Many Years is Pharmacy at UKZN?. Pursuing a degree in pharmacy at the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) is a commitment that involves several years of...
UKZN Pharmacy Requirements. Pursuing a career in Pharmacy at the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) is a commendable choice, reflecting a commitment to excellence in health sciences....
Nick Evans Educated UKZN Employees About Snakes. UKZN Extended Learning (UEL) recently took a proactive step to educate its employees about the fascinating world of snakes....
UKZN Extended Learning Equips Learners for Their Career Goals. UKZN Extended Learning (UEL) plays a pivotal role in helping learners make informed decisions about their career...
UEL Supports the UKZN Entrepreneurship Programme. The University of KwaZulu Natal (UKZN) has consistently been recognized as one of South Africa’s leading institutions for research output...
UEL Attends UKZN Open Day in Pietermaritzburg. The University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) recently hosted its annual Open Day event in Pietermaritzburg. This highly anticipated event, held...
UKZN Senior Management Attends LDP. At UKZN Extended Learning (UEL), fostering leadership excellence is a priority. Recently, we had the privilege of hosting a cohort of...
We Can Help You Gain Access to UKZN. Potential students eager to pursue a degree at the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) recently had the opportunity to...
Black Friday at UKZN Extended Learning. Black Friday, the renowned international sale event, traces its origins to the United States in the 1900s. This year, UKZN...
UKZN Leading in Education. University rankings play a pivotal role in the realm of higher education, influencing perceptions and decisions both internationally and locally. These rankings,...