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UKZN Application

UKZN Application Fees for 2024



UKZN Application Fees for 2024

UKZN Application Fees for 2024.A minimum 55% in all third-year subjects is mandatory. SAQA-accredited M+3 qualification or RPL for program entry. Two years of industry experience required, with preference for higher qualifications.

Read Also: UKZN Status Check Online 2024 

UKZN Application Fees for 2024

  • On-time Applications: R210
  • Late Applications: R420

International Applicants

  • SADC and Rest of Africa: R490
  • Outside Africa: $153

Payment Information for South African Applicants

  • Name of Account: UKZN Main
  • Bank: Standard Bank
  • Type of Account: Business Current Account
  • Account Number: 05 308 0998
  • Branch: Westville
  • Branch Code: 045426
  • Reference: APPN (followed by your student number)

Payment Information for International Applicants

  • Name of Account: UKZN Foreign Deposit
  • Bank: Standard Bank
  • Type of Account: Business Current Account
  • Account Number: 05 308 2826
  • Branch: Westville
  • Branch Code: 045426

FAQS: UKZN Application Fees for 2024

Q1. What are the application fees for UKZN in 2024?

Ans: Bor South African applicants, on-time applications cost R210, and late applications cost R420. International applicants from SADC and the rest of Africa pay R490, while those from outside Africa pay $153.

Q2. How can South African applicants pay their application fees?

Ans: South African applicants can pay their fees into the UKZN Main account at Standard Bank. The details include the account name, bank, account type, account number, branch, branch code, and a specific reference (APPN followed by the student number).

Q3. What are the payment details for international applicants?

Ans:International applicants should make payments into the UKZN Foreign Deposit account at Standard Bank. Similar details to the South African account are provided, including the account name, bank, account type, account number, branch, and branch code.


Prospective students applying to the University of KwaZulu-Natal in 2024 should be aware of the specified application fees. South African applicants have different rates for on-time and late submissions, while international applicants have separate fees based on their region. Ensure accurate payment using the provided banking details.

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